Abacus Valves has the ability to hydrostatically and pneumatically test a wide range of wafer and flanged type valves. With recent investment, a bespoke pressure test rig has been added to the existing test facilities. The unit is capable of testing valves from DN050 (2") Class 2500 to DN600 (24") Class 150.
On site, a wide range of blank test flanges are available for large diameter valves and specials. A cracking pressure test rig for small to medium range sprung disc (poppet) valves is also utilised on site. All testing is carried out by fully trained technicians with vast experience in the valve industry.
Positive Material Identification (PMI) is regularly carried out using a hand held XRF analyzer. This service is available on and off site.
If you wish any further details or wish to request a quote for valve or material testing please contact: sales@abacusvalves.com